Our Translators

We do our best to recruit translators who share the common passion for languages. Translation work oftentimes require going through lengthy, detailed document, and it’s the passion and interest that will sustain the translator in the long run. Our translators share a love for languages, and aside from passion, discipline and professionalism are also the key traits that we constantly emphasize with our translators and interpreters.
Having said these, however, we also ensure that our people have the adequate hard skills to properly deliver the translation, interpretation or transcription job. We understand that not all translation contents require the same knowledge and skills, so each of our translators specialize in certain areas to ensure quality in our translation services – they understand the content and know the specific terms and phrases that will bring out the real meaning of the source. They do not only have the competency to translate into the target language, but also have the background or translation track record in the specialization called for by the content. Thus, a financial statement will be translated by a business or finance translator, a technical manual will only be assigned to a professional translator who also has engineering qualification or experience, and a legal translation will be done by a person knowledgeable in the field.
Want to be part of Berlo Translations growing team? Contact us today!
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Minimum requirements:
At least university graduate
At least five years of translation or interpretation experience
Specialization in an area (legal, business, finance, medical, etc.)

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